Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting 小强的日记
Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Yoo hoo...

Exams ended last thur, but been spending the time doing pretty much nothing,
less working on the weekends,
managed to catch up on sleeping also,
and squeeze in a bit of soccer as well on sunday evening.

This time round,
dun think my grades will be fantastic,
just hope to maintain the standards,
nothing more, nothing less.

IPP, aka attachment has started,
though i prefer to call it internship.
So far so good i guess,
been handed my first project on the first day,
Sandcastle building in 3 weeks.
My workplace rocks totally - will post some pics soon.
Will have a great time there, Definitely!

One more thing,
since my internship requires me to stay-in,
from monday to friday evenings,
with me working on the weekends,
i guess there isn't much SOCIAL LIFE for the next 11 weeks.

In other words,
I'm only available on Sat and Sun evenings...
Book in advance if there's anything.

Nothing else then,
shall prepare for booking in later...
'Woodlands Camp'

Thursday, August 16, 2007

2 Places that makes me happy... at this moment.

Have started work @ Tumble Tots on the weekends,
Dun really consider it 'Work'
since i'm having fun guiding the toddlers about their physical play.
A smile on their innocent faces,
Bringing so much joy and anticipation during weekdays.

Will start attachment @ Sports School on 27 Aug.
11 weeks to actually work within a Sports organization.
Good chance to really find whether sports is my calling.

Exams awaits,
preparation is not exactly ideal, can't seems to be focus.
easily distracted.Maybe the remaining 30, 40 odd hours will be fruitful...

Saturday, August 11, 2007

怎么隐藏 我的悲伤 失去你的地方
你的发香 散的匆忙 我已经跟不上

闭上眼睛 还能看见 你离去的痕迹
在月光下 一直找寻 那想念的身影

如果说分手 是苦痛的起点
那在终点之前 我愿意再爱一遍
想要对你说的 不敢说的爱
会不会有人 可以明白

我会发着呆 然后忘记你 接着紧紧闭上眼
想着那一天 会有人代替 让我不再想念你
我会发着呆 然后微微笑 接着紧紧闭上眼
又想了一遍 你温柔的脸 在我忘记之前

心里的眼泪 模糊了视线 你已快看不见

Friday, August 03, 2007

Dropping in to leave some footprints,
since the past week has been hectic.

Project Hell week is almost done (less 1 last project).
Mentally drained, lack of sleep, plenty of panda eyes.
Well, at least i know the class put in the effort to do well.

Well Done !
Especially to those who sacrifice sleep.

Here's a special Thank You to Mr Flashmech for his help,
but wait, there's still some more work to be done...
You've volunteered your service, can't run away now.

The weekend ahead is once again packed with Work, Work and more Work.
I'm turning into a Workaholic...
Perhaps its my way of keeping myself occupied,
Think less, Work more.
And i guess my fitness is in a bad shape without exercising for quite a while, with all the late night snacking...
With exams coming up, better do some running and weights...
If not i will be back to my chubby self again.

小强's File

24. (but acts 14)

Multi tasker / Multiple Personality.
Free Spirit.

Many preferences, Few dislikes.
One Weakness.

小强's Friends (男)

Ah Ban . Arthur . Dig It . Ernest . Feez . Firdaus . H K . Jerms . Jimmy . Kev . KK . Leo-nel . Lionheart . Long Ge . Ndy . Pony . Rabbit . Sgt Ernie . Tilly .

小强's Friends (女)

Cassandra . Carey C . Chanya . Cindy . Clara . Dleens . Elaine . Fish . Fishball . Fishcake . Jrayden . Kaelyn . Kitty . Mae . Mao . Nani . Ngee Jie . Peggy . PI Jane . Simin . Stella . Xiang T . Xiao Xin . Xuena.

小强's History Files

Dec 05. Jan 06. Feb 06. Mar 06. Apr 06. May 06. Jun 06. Jul 06. Aug 06. Sep 06. Oct 06. Nov 06. Dec 06. Jan 07. Feb 07. Mar 07. Apr 07. May 07. Jun 07. Jul 07. Aug 07. Sep 07. Oct 07.

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