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Thursday, November 30, 2006

It's been about 2 & a half year since my last donation.
So it's about time i did something nice,
Donated a little blood for the school's blood drive.

While the entire process is actually very fast,
the no of people waiting for their turns is too much.
So it took 2 very very long hours until it was my turn.

And i took 5 mins to fill the bag???
the nurse said it was a sign that i am healthy.
Ok...felt a little better...though my patience was already so thin.

although the sadest group of people
must be the first timers, whose veins couldn't be found
so they were turned away.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Modern Art Form 1.2

The multi-tasking Youth of the 21st Century.

With the computer / laptop very much integrated into our lives, and with a recent news article report indicating that 2 in 3 Singaporeans surf the Internet everyday, we use the Net for numerous purposes such as work, play and learn. Like it or not, we simply can't live without each other.

Especially for youths (let's just make it those under the age of 30),
multi-tasking on the computer is like an art form.

We can easily communicate with up to 5-8 people on MSN Messenger, switching from an array of conversation topics effortlessly. We can do this while net-surfing other websites. At the same time, our iTunes / Media Player would be playing hits, we could be having snacks, and concurrently blogging away in some instances.

As the Chinese saying goes: 一心不可二用 (one heart, cannot be used for two purposes), we have done the extraordinary of doing multiple tasks at one go. Well, even during this year's National Rally by PM Lee, i recalled that he did mentioned this special ability that we have acquired in this modern age. Think about it, our minds and bodies are able to spilt up and do multiple work.

Singaporean are quite amazing! you realize that you probably can't recall too many handphone numbers, name of friends, amongst other stuffs. Well, that's the so-called side effects of Multi-tasking.

Nothing is perfect in this world, everythings' fair.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

I used to have a keen passion in Architecture,
i still do,
always interested in buildings and landscape.
So i managed to visit the URA Singapore City Gallery,
(i wondered why i didn't went there any sooner???)
The exhibits were eye-opening,
I had a nice time.
Only when i reached home,
I realized that i,
or rather us,
missed out on the 2nd and 3rd storey of the gallery.

(Sorry if the images look pathetic, camera phone can't take good photos)

In american terms (hip-hop terms)...
this guy is sick!

In asian terms (conservative)...
this guy is good!

Anyway, enjoy the Human Drum Kit!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Important News 3.5

The Important News team thanks everyone for your kind support! We will be back next year to bring you more news happening...

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Important News 3.4

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Important News 3.3

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Important News 3.2

Monday, November 20, 2006

Important News 3.1

Due to rising costs (excluding the to-be-7% GST),
Lack of updates from overseas correspondents,
as well as corporate restructuring,
The Important News team is only publishing a handful of reports this time round.

We sincerely apologises,
if our reports fail to live up to your expectations.

Introducing article number one...

More to come in the coming week.
Stay Tune.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Tucked in a quiet corner in Katong (East Coast Road),
lies a nice little place,
where time almost stood still.

Chin Mee Chin Confectionary

There's something really charming about this place.

Is it the decor?
the marble tables, wooden chairs and ceremics tiles?
Is it the utensils?
old-school porcelain cups and saucers?
Is it the all so familiar kaya toast?
or the timeless egg tarts and swiss rolls?

It was definitely nice tucking in to age-old authentic breakfast.

While there's so much more good food that's scattered throughout the Katong area,
(meaning i would be back very soon i guess... ...)
there's only so much room in my stomach.

Did i say that the Kaya is the best that i've tried??

Another visit to my grandma's place last night ...
without a family vehicle,
choosing to carpool instead.

This means only one thing.

I get to be the chosen one to be 'Smuggled' there.


(but why the hell am i still smiling to the camera???)

Friday, November 17, 2006

This suddenly striked me while i was posting my recent blog entry 'Remember the Times...'

Why do we actually blog?

Is it for attention?
Is it just to share our thoughts and opinions?
Is it to post interesting stuffs we found on the net?
Is it to update our friends how have we been?

What's the reason for us to blog?


Long and hard.

Your next couple of posts would have more meaning than your previous contents.

You have given them some thoughts.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


'... ... Better to do the increase now than later.'

GST increasing to 7% next year.
Got to think twice before buying anything.


Monday, November 13, 2006

Remember the times, back in primary school, where we wrote autograph books for one another.

Yes…maybe during secondary school, even during your (junior) college / poly / university days, you still posted entries in each others’ autograph books. (Alright, if you consider testimonies in Myspace & Friendster as similar posts, it means the same things as well, but personally I prefer old school).

I was trying my best to tidy up my room (mum nagging in the background, room could be much neater), when I saw my old autograph book. It certainly brought back numerous memories. Brushed aside the dust, flipped it open, tried to attach each name I see to faces, and had to refer back to school magazines when I couldn’t recall the faces.

Then… there were those poems:

Remember the word ‘M’
Remember the word ‘E’
Put them together
And remember ‘ME’

I am a Fish,
You are a Duck,
I swim to you
And say ‘Good Luck’

There are other vivid little things -

The use of multi-coloured pens looks ever-so vintage,
Discussing our ambition, dreams, hobbies
Listing friends in categories of best / good / okay / …
Including standard details like address and birthdays were a must,
Telephone numbers were still 7 digits,
There’s probably an odd pager number,
Favourite songs / soccer team / idols
Plenty of ‘friends forever’, ‘good luck’ and ‘keep in touch’
Those artistically inclined ones would have left some nice works behind,
While others make do with some designs they could barely muster,
Words of thanks, encouragement
Leaving behind our very first signatures.

So many good times,
So many good friends,
So many good memories.

So many thoughts flooded my mind.


I find that there are friendships,
That we cherish so much,
Especially those that we had
Seems so distant.

During times where we were all so innocent,
Where there wasn’t back-stabbing,
Quarrels that never last more than a week,

Those days,
Are no longer around.

Friends we make these days, we tend not to treat them as genuine as before.
We suspect whether they have any motive in getting closer to us.
We fear rejection
We even find out from other mutual friends,
Information that we are keen to know,
Yet not courageous enough to ask them ourselves.

We have all changed!

Like it or not.

Are increasingly superficial,
Hidden with hidden agenda,
Lacks honesty and sincerity

I can only wish,
In times of need,
That people I treat as friends,
Would extend their help,
Because I would do the same,
To lend a helping hand.


The number of friends you have on Friendster / Myspace / and any other website that has an online community, doesn’t mean a single thing, if everyone there is merely to make up numbers.


Sunday, November 12, 2006

It's been a little while since i had the time to sit down and properly read through newspaper.
Came across an article about the usage of smiley / LOL / and other short-forms in cyberspace.
While i dun have much comments on this matter, here's the video mentioned in the article.

View it, and think about whether you have over used :) / LOL / etc in your SMS and email.

A Picture says a thousand words.
Couldn't be more true
(sorry if this post seems too political / offensive)
i just found it's kinda splendid.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

In order to cope with modern warfare,
The SAF is introducing the latest training methods,
Realistic battle conditioning,
Endurance training at it's toughest,
Sustaining one's ability to survive the strictest tests,
72 hours of torture.
I introduce to you,
The latest training programme.
The Subaru WRX Challenge 2006.
The Ultimate test.
None other than a Navy personnel.
Well done.

Modern Art Form 1.1

As we live in the new era, we have developed new forms of modern art. As we attempt to adapt to our ever-changing living environment, we have created new skills and techniques.

In this first installation, i shall share the art of sleeping on public transport.

Have you ever wondered how do we combat our hectic schedules?

If you do not possess your personal vehicle, it means we commute by the public transport network. All you need is the E-z link card, a music player to eliminate all excessive noises, and of course, you need to grab a seat on the bus/train. (It often means we are inconsiderate and do not give up the seat to someone more needy).

To the 'Professional', the mrt seats that provides a place to lean onto are the first class accomodation, would be those at the side, as well as the middle seat of the row of seats (where there is a bump for head rest). As for buses, it would be the seats by the windows that facilitate sleeping (if you don't mind the constant vibrations), or seats that has poles at the back for head support.

So, having a moment to catch some winks and well-needed rest will more than make up for the lost sleeping hours at night. Feeling refreshed, we can move on to our next task.

Yet, as we make our way home, after a tiring day, we probably end up looking like this again.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Part 2

. "It's a thankless job, but I've got a lot of Karma to burn off."
22. "Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial."
23. "And your crybaby whiny-assed opinion would be...?"
24. "Do I look like a people person?"
25. "This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting."
26. "I started out with nothing and I still have most of it left."
27. "Sarcasm is just one more service we offer."
28. "If I throw a stick, will you leave?"
29. "Errors have been made. Others will be blamed."
30. "Whatever kind of look you were going for, you missed."
31. "I'm trying to imagine you with a personality."
32. "A cubicle is just a padded cell without a door."
33. "Can I trade this job for what's behind door #1?"
34. "Too many freaks, not enough circuses."
35. "Nice perfume. Must you marinate in it?"
36. "Chaos, panic, and disorder - my work here is done."
37. "How do I set a laser printer to stun?"
38. "I thought I wanted a career. Turns out I just wanted a salary."
39. "Who lit the fuse on your tampon?"
40. "Oh I get it... like humour... but different!"

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Part 1

1. "I can see your point, but I still think you're full of shit."
2. "I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce."
3. "How about never? Is never good for you?"
4. "I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public."
5. "I'm really easy to get along with once you people learn to see it my way."
6. "I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter."
7. "I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message."
8. "I don't work here. I'm a consultant."
9. "It sounds like English, but I can't understand a damn word you're saying."
10. "Ahhh...I see the screw-up fairy has visited us again."
11. "I like you. You remind me of myself when I was young and stupid."
12. "You are validating my inherent mistrust of strangers."
13. "I have plenty of talent and vision. I just don't give a damn."
14. "I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth."
15. "I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you."
16. "Thank you. We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view."
17. "The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist."
18. "Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental."
19. "What am I? Flypaper for freaks!?"
20. "I'm not being rude. You're just insignificant."

Disclaimer - The language used may be offensive to some, so kindly read with discretion

Monday, November 06, 2006

Flea Markets
Discovering treasures & antiques,
Reminiscing the good old times.

Took a victim with me yesterday, as I went on an urban hike of some sort, exploring hidden treasures in cosmopolitan Singapore. Armed with a tight budget to shop (well, less the rather up-market lunch cum dinner), we had 3 destinations in mind. At least, that’s the plan.

First stop,
Sungei Road.

To the naked eye, this plot of land is like a junkyard from afar. You may think it’s some gathering point for old folks, or where the poor and homeless find used goods. Wrong. It’s actually Singapore’s Pioneer Flea Market. (It’s open 7 days a week, 365 days a year by the way.) Certain goods like electrical hardware (wires, drills, cables) and bicycles will only appeal to foreign labourers, but there are gems hidden in piles of ‘garbage’. Toys you used to play, clothing you used to wear, it certainly brings back memories.

Alright, the weather seems a little gloomy, so we decided to head South, to the next location.

Second Stop,
Far East Square.

This weekend flea market, is smaller in scale, but offers more variety of goods that appeals to both the young and old. Clothes are more ‘street’ in nature, while the fusion of Hokkien songs and Western Country music gives a unique feel to the atmosphere. There’s a balance of both commercial goods, as well as antique pieces available.

My ‘Uncle ism’ sets in, as I fell in love with 2 pieces of Army medals, rich in history, high on aesthetic value. For something that is half a century old, $5 dollars a piece to own a piece of history was a bargain.

Moving on…we have seen enough here.

Final Stop,
China Square Central

This stop was more like we chance upon the place while exploring the Amoy Street area. Strangely enough, it turns out to be pretty crowded with youths. But, it turns out that the mall houses a couple of Toys shops, selling merchandises from Anime and Graphic Novels…no wonder there’s a larger crowd here. But, with the mall also having a few antique shops, we found a nice amount of old toys, like a rifle gun which works on a mechanical lever, a 1977 toy typewriter, and realistic vintage toy cars.

The companion of mine got herself a nice shirt @ the place, and she was a really satisfied customer.

I would have liked to get myself this, but…I guess I need to work out a little harder to ensure that I do the shirt justice.

I would like to recommend this stall / website to anyone who likes tees that makes a statement, tees that brings our your character. Drop by for more information.

The day ended with a slightly expensive lunch/dinner in Chinatown, and a nice conversation til I felt a little embarrassed to stay for long.

A Sunday well spent, wallet’s a little empty, but I enjoyed every minute of it.

---PS: If you wish to subscribe to future tours, do drop me a message---

Saturday, November 04, 2006

There wasn't dinner available,
so i was looking for something to fill my stomach.

Saw this old uncle selling porridge.
Kinda feel rather sympathic
He's already so old, yet
has to work so hard
(although he may have chosen to do something
instead of nothing during old age)

So i bought 2 bowls from him
(since i was both hungry,
and i wanted to help the uncle to knock off earlier-hopefully)

And, it turned out to be
a really enjoyable dinner.

besides the porridge being nutritious and appetizing,
it's the warm feeling i had,

he feels like a grandpa,
a grandpa i never knew, i never met.
you should carry on selling
so that you bring joy to your customers.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

It's the start of a new month, 60 odd days to go before the new year.
Let's make things a little more cheerful, have a little laugh.


Coz, a great smile brings joy to everyone around us!

小强's File

24. (but acts 14)

Multi tasker / Multiple Personality.
Free Spirit.

Many preferences, Few dislikes.
One Weakness.

小强's Friends (男)

Ah Ban . Arthur . Dig It . Ernest . Feez . Firdaus . H K . Jerms . Jimmy . Kev . KK . Leo-nel . Lionheart . Long Ge . Ndy . Pony . Rabbit . Sgt Ernie . Tilly .

小强's Friends (女)

Cassandra . Carey C . Chanya . Cindy . Clara . Dleens . Elaine . Fish . Fishball . Fishcake . Jrayden . Kaelyn . Kitty . Mae . Mao . Nani . Ngee Jie . Peggy . PI Jane . Simin . Stella . Xiang T . Xiao Xin . Xuena.

小强's History Files

Dec 05. Jan 06. Feb 06. Mar 06. Apr 06. May 06. Jun 06. Jul 06. Aug 06. Sep 06. Oct 06. Nov 06. Dec 06. Jan 07. Feb 07. Mar 07. Apr 07. May 07. Jun 07. Jul 07. Aug 07. Sep 07. Oct 07.

小强's Links

My Friendster

Job Lobangs (New Links / New Jobs - Do register)
NSRTW blog (Looking for contributors)

小强's Tagboard